
Oct 13, 2011

… and I am a proud father !!!


There comes a time in everyone’s life, at least there should come a time, where we begin to question our heading in life. A time to snap out of the complacency of today and contemplate towards what we want for tomorrow.

For me, expecting a baby was an exciting and somewhat scary prospect. However, once he arrived safely and seeing him for the very first time, I was filled with such strong instincts to protect, nurture and love the tiny being that all the feelings of stress, confusion and apprehension that I felt before quickly and mysteriously vanished and I was left with nothing but anticipation, excitement and pride.

Must have been a paternal thing, I almost felt like that my brain had just been naturally and instantly re-wired to prepare me as a new parent.

It was a very emotional and hugely rewarding experience, and a truly joyous occasion.

Friends and family were so generous with their well wishes and support I was often at loss of words to say what will truly convey my appreciation. So here is one for you - thank you for your advice, support and all the lovely baby gifts. Thank you very much!

Welcoming the baby into the world was one of the most special and wondrous times of my life. From the moment he was born, he became the focus of each and every thing I did, each and every conversation I had. He is now the center of my universe, everything revolves around him. It an amazing feeling!

Also, now that he is home, sleeping like he should be, I am responsible for providing him with everything he may ever need and make all the decisions pertaining to him in anyway.

Am I scared? Yes! Am I happy? Very!

Now that I'm a parent, this blog may or may not cover some baby topics and parental rants. I feel that I should give a heads up to my readers, so here it is!



Yafaau's daddy said...

Wonderful news bro! Congratulations :D

Maldivian Finance Blog said...

Congratulations on becoming a father subcorpus.

Nuvana said...

Aww. Congrats.

Simon said...

Congratulations Subcorpus...and family!

The Subcorpus has produced offspring! A little Subcorplet :)

Siku said...

Congratulations dude.

//Sub/Corpus said...

Yafaau's daddy ::
Thank you ...

raffael ::
Thank you ... and good to know you know the feeling ... :)

Maldivian Finance Blog ::
Thank you ?

Nuvana ::
Thank you, appreciate the wishes ...

Simon ::
Thank you ... Subcorplet ??? hmm ... interesting ... may be he should have a blog by that name eh ??? :P

//Sub/Corpus said...

Siku ::
Thank you ... :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It sounds so wonderful!

shafi said...

Congratulations!! cant wait to meet the subcorplet!!

//Sub/Corpus said...

Thaathi ::
Thank you, will upload some pics soon for you guys to see ...
Hope you are doing OK ... :)

ThoughtPEN said...

Congrats bro! So when'z he gonna start preaching? :P

//Sub/Corpus said...

ThoughtPEN ::
As soon I manage to teach him how ... :)
Thank you ...

primary0 said...

Congratulations to bro and family!

//Sub/Corpus said...

primary0 ::
Thank you bro ... :)

naseeh said...

Congratulations :)

//Sub/Corpus said...

naseeh ::
Thank you ... appreciate it ... :)

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