Hello ...
Am watching Naked Science on National Geographic Channel ...
Its a good show ... putting forth interesting questions ...
And trying to find answers using modern technology ...
Last night I was watching the episode called Roman Tech ...
In which they showed how the Romans had lived ...
I was amazed at the similarity of their lifestyle to ours ...
They brought down water from the mountains to their cities ...
They had heat ... running water and sewerage systems in homes ...
Hell ... they even had double panned glass windows ...
And much like us ... lived in multi-storey apartment buildings ...
They paved roads with cobblestone to link their cities ...
These may seem all very ordinray for us now ...
Except that the Romans had these a few thousand years ago ...
There's no question that Romans were an advanced civilization ...
Though nobody knows how the Romans discovered everything ...
Everybody knows how they had put together their knowledge ...
To conquer and rule half the world for many hundreds of years ...
There are several unanswered questions about the Romans ...
The biggest and the most debated question being what lead ...
To the downfall of a vast and powerful empire like the Roman's ???
When the episode ended ... I had a few questions of my own ...
I thought... if such a powerful empire like the Roman's ...
Can suddenly loose their glory to get buried in sand and time ...
What will happen to our civilization a few centuries down ???
If our ways of life or life itself be threatened ...
And we inevitably loose at the hand of a more powerful enemy ...
Or if nature decided Maldives be an underwater attraction ...
How will we be remembered ... what will we leave behind ???
What will a future civilization learn about us ???
Would they know our foods/shelter/lifestyles/recreations ???
About our attempts at survival and deliberate failures ???
Will we leave behind skeletons of the wars fought ???
Or will leave them remnants of a diseases that killed us all ???
We Maldivians... how will we be perceived centuries/eons later ???
Thinking about it sure gives me the creeps ... hehe ...
Laterx ...
We are a civilization? That's news to me.
Here's what I think will happen to us in about 100 years. If we survive sea-level rise and live to see the days we will have backtracked several centuries and fully embraced 7th century ignorant Arab culture.
Modern civilizations will have advanced as they do even today. Landing manned crafts on Mars and making significant strides in science.
Arabs themselves will have no choice but to join the globalisation to survive after their oil reserves run out 50 years from now.
We will remain a tourist attraction albeit an attraction that serves those curious to learn about the last remaining influences of a backward prehistoric culture.
And there will be a secret monument raised in Hulhumale' and the inscription on it will read "To the last defender of secularism. The great Subcorpus"
What do you mean, subcorpus? Why do you have to demean all of those lovely people who have no problem being digested by bateria and having their life ended completey when they die.
WHy do we have to have legacies, or have this ridiculous idea that we will go to a eternal heaven where there will be lakes of honey and where we will be served food by young boys? I can understand the young boys, but honey?? seriously??
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P.S. Muslim Suicide Bombers NOT Welcome. NO Exceptions!
what abt the maldivian way of life before we converted to islam? do we know anyuthign about those times?? i know we have a few ruins in some islands but do we know anything about those?
civilization |ˌsivələˈzā sh ən|
• the society, culture, and way of life of a particular area
• the comfort and convenience of modern life, regarded as available only in towns and cities
so yes ... Maldives may be considered a civilization ... hehe ...
I'll agree with the rest of what you had to say ... except if i could help it ... i'd have the monument somewhere else ... than an underwater hulhumale ... hehe ...
well its nice that you take time to write even when you have so much to vent ...
chess ... online chess ... ???
seriously ... ???
i am told that then maldivians destroyed everything that can be linked to their early day practices and beliefs and way of lives ...
such was the power of faith ... when converted ...
oh oh i know! someone will google maldives due to either curiosity or some school project and then he/she will be linked to mvblogosphere! and maldives will be remembered as a bunch of blogging people. and then they will continue to read all the blogs in order to extract information about maldives
this is ofcourse when they will stumble upon my blog and give me a fancy prize for my wild theories.
*nod nod*
i don't think we will be remembered at all :(
There was a role of in-breeding and drinking wine out of copper cups (apparently they react with each other) that created too many crazy people, contributing towards the fall of the "great Roman empire"!
To ensure a long-lasting Maldivian "civilisation" we could TRY avoiding one of those two things I am sure :)
drinking wine out of copper cups is avoidable ...
dunno about the other ... hehe ...
will be remembered as ignorant intolerable stupid moslem maldive immigrants in australia maybe.
or wait... make that indian.
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